Angola and Brazil have a deep connection forged by the tragedy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.  The earliest enslaved peoples brought to Brazil by the Portuguese came from West Central Africa.  These Africans brought with them their languages, cuisines, religions and expressive practices that had a foundational and lasting impact on Brazilian culture.  This event explores the connection between Angola and Brazil through the combat game of capoeira.  A blend of fight, dance, ritual and percussive music, capoeira has deep roots in Angola, was developed in Brazil, and today is globally popular.  This three day event includes movement and music workshops in Angolan combat games and capoeira with guest artist-teachers from Angola and Brazil, as well as a book launch party and performance.   

Capoeira Connections:

from Angola to Brazil

March 1-3, 2023

Rubenstein Art Center,

Duke University

Invited Artists:

Cabuenha (Júlio Janquinda Moniz) is a capoeirista and artist from Luanda, Angola. His performances integrate spoken word, capoeira, and Angolan music and movement.  He is a Professor of capoeira in ABADÁ-capoeira Angola and the Founder of the cultural project YAKALAKAYA. His work has been shown in Angola (TedX Luanda), Cape Verde, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Russia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Brazil. This will be Cabuenha’s first appearance in the United States.

Mestre Roxinho (Edielson Da Silva Miranda) has over 30 years of mastery in capoeira angola and is the founder of an international NGO, Bantu Institute.  His new book Ginga of Resilience: capoeira angola beyond the roda chronicles his thirty years working with capoeira angola as a tool for overcoming the trauma of systemic racism, poverty, violence and war. He has worked with youth and capoeira in Brazil, Angola, Australia, the Philippines and Indonesia. He currently lives and teaches capoeira on the island of Itapurica in Bahia, Brazil, in the community where he grew up and where the headquarters of the Bantu Institute is located.

Schedule of Events

(workshops are free and open to everyone)

Monday Feb 27th

3:30-4:45: Capoeira Angola Workshop with Mestre Roxinho. (RAC 201)

Wednesday March 1st

1:45-3:00: Angolan Combat games with Professor Cabuenha (RAC 124)

3:30-4:45: Capoeira Angola with Mestre Roxinho (RAC 201)

Thursday March 2nd.

6:30-8:30pm: Book Launch Party (RAC Lounge)

  • 6:-6:30: open demo roda

  • 6:30-7:00: Performance

  • 7:00-7:30 Book Readings

  • 7:30-8:30 Live Brazilian Music

Friday March 3rd:

1:45-3:00: Angolan Combat games with Professor Cabuenha (RAC 124)

3:30-4:45: Capoeira Angola with Mestre Roxinho (RAC 201)


2020 Campus Drive

Durham NC, 27705

PARKING: available across the street at the Nasher Museum Parking lot or in the street on Alexander St.
